What’s Holding Back Impact Investing?

Fast Company
June 25, 2014

By Jes­si­ca Leber

Over its eight year his­to­ry, Rev­o­lu­tion Foods, a start­up that pro­vides afford­able, healthy school lunch­es to chil­dren in the U.S., has raised more than $70 mil­lion from a tru­ly unusu­al mix of investors. Typ­i­cal ven­ture cap­i­tal and pri­vate equi­ty investors signed on, but so did DBL Partners–a firm focused on max­i­miz­ing both finan­cial returns and social impact–and char­i­ta­ble foun­da­tions look­ing to invest their cap­i­tal in ways aligned with their mis­sion. Today, accord­ing to cofounder Kristin Groos Rich­mond, Rev­o­lu­tion serves a mil­lion healthy meals a week and is near­ing $100 mil­lion in revenue.

Read more at Fast Com­pa­ny.