Information Technology


Pan­do­ra’s mis­sion is to define what radio is in a con­nect­ed world. Pan­do­ra is an online uni­cast radio sta­tion which instant­ly cre­ates per­son­al­ized stream­ing sta­tions tai­lored specif­i­cal­ly for each user. Users can influ­ence the sta­tion by giv­ing songs “thumbs-up” or “thumbs-down”. Users can cre­ate up to 100 dif­fer­ent sta­tions. The com­pa­ny began in 2000 when founder, Tim West­er­gren, launched The Music Genome Project to cre­ate the most com­pre­hen­sive analy­sis of music ever. Pan­do­ra is bring­ing its extra­or­di­nary cat­a­log of music analy­sis to the mass­es, using it to dri­ve effec­tive per­son­al­ized music dis­cov­ery and a unique on-line lis­ten­ing expe­ri­ence in a $30 bil­lion radio mar­ket, cap­i­tal­iz­ing on an indus­try-wide tran­si­tion from broad­cast to inter­net and from radios to PCs and mobile devices. In addi­tion to DBL Part­ners, investors include Walden VC, Crosslink Cap­i­tal, Labrador Venu­tres, King Street and Grey­lock Partners.

Pan­do­ra went pub­lic on June 14th, 2011.

360 22nd Street
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 451-4100

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